Hobbies Archive

Melbourne Magic Festival Celebrates Milestone
No it’s not an illusion. This month, the Melbourne Magic Festival turns 10 years old! It still may not be old enough to vote but it’s definitely old enough to put on a great

A Reptile School Incursion Makes Learning Fun
Keeping our children entertained and educating them at the same time can be a hard task, but most teachers would agree that hands-on activities can be a real winner. The problem can be in

Antique Auctions Drawing in Large Crowds
Second hand household items are growing in popularity as Melbourne buyers are becoming more and more interested in attending Auction Houses around the city. Of particular interest are antiques and retro furniture, along with

Starting Surfing Just Got Easier
Surfing is a very popular pastime in Australia, with some amazing places to catch a wave, especially along the Eastern coastline. In Victoria, Torquay and other coastal towns along the great ocean road are

Reptile Parties have an educational spin
Kids today are spending more and more time on their computers playing games and chatting online and less time exercising and stimulating their brains. Parents find it difficult to organise a hobby or sport

Hot Weather Equals Pool Maintenance Time
The hot pre-summer weather is out in full force and it’s time to start thinking about the 3 s’s: slurpees, suntanning, and swimming. For Melbournians lucky enough to have a swimming pool, it’s also