Community Fundraising Ideas That Work

If you’re looking to raise money for your organisation, sports club or other non-profit group, there are many avenues available. However a number of options may not be suitable, firstly because of financial investment, the number of people required to make it work, or suitable venues to hold certain fundraising events. Getting community interest in your fundraiser can go a long way, but it can also be hard to achieve.

One sure fire way to raise money without having to spend to much money upfront or worry about places to hire is selling raffle tickets. Certain companies can assist community fundraising ideas by designing and printing the raffle tickets, organising the prizes, and taking care of all the other legwork. Prizes can include resort holidays, which are always a great drawcard to lure people into buying the tickets.

Selling raffle tickets is not dependent on how many people are in your organisation either. Whether you only have a few people, or a sports club with hundreds of members, a raffle can work great for your fundraiser. Members (whether they be adults or kids) can sell the tickets at their workplace, school and to friends and family. You can even set up stands at shopping centres in the local community, and help promote your cause this way. Check out Community Spirit Fundraising today for all your raffle ticket needs.